Welcome To Nepal !

Welcome To Nepal Real Journey Trekking Nepal

The country which has a wonderful blend of ancient history, vibrant culture and scenic grandeur. It has cultivated a rich and diverse society, blending ancient civilization at the crossroads of plains and mountain peaks. Come here to escape the trappings of modern society; immerse yourself in a new world. With its rich cultural heritage from different ethnic groups, the centuries-old shrines to different religions, and the amazing natural landscapes, Nepal is truly an unbeatable destination.

The famous Himalayan mountain range is only a part of Nepal’s incredible landscape. The elevation of the country ranges from 60m altitude to 8448m, the highest point in the world. This steep gradient runs from the jungles of the Terai to Mt Everest, all within a distance of 150km. The result of such environmental variation is a climate that varies from a lush sub-tropical setting to extreme alpine conditions.

Nepal’s rich cultural heritage also offers an astonishing array of sightseeing opportunities that cannot be found anywhere else on earth. This rich heritage is partially owing to the fact that in Nepal Buddhists and Hindus have coexisted for centuries in total harmony. Lord Buddha, the ‘Light of Asia,’ was born in Lumbini in Nepal’s southern plains, making Nepal a scared pilgrimage destination for all Buddhists. Likewise, the temple of Pashupatinath is Nepal’s most sacred Hindu shrine and one of the four most important sites in the world for Shiva worshipers.

During festivals throughout the year, Nepal’s different ethnicities get a chance to highlight their particular religious and traditional cultural beliefs. Hindus wildly celebrate Shivaratri; Holi is famous around the world for its colour; Buddhists mark their founder’s birth all over the country; and hundreds of annual local festivals pepper the calendar with flavour and interest.

A visit to Nepal is not only about discovering a new destination, but is a way to understand a culture and way of life vastly different from your own.

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