When planning a trip to any adventure destination or developing country it’s vital to think about your safety, and the importance of travel insurance, in case something unexpectedly goes wrong.
Nepal is one of the most popular destinations in the world for adventure tours – trekking, climbing, rafting, paragliding – and most of these take place in remote scenic locations. While getting away from the crowds is a key draw to these regions, unfortunately accidents and incidents do occur sometimes, at which point you need to know that you’re covered in an emergency. Some of the popular activities such as rafting and bungee jumping even require you to have your own insurance before signing up.
Because of these reasons, personal travel insurance is a necessity when you are travelling to Nepal. Additionally, don’t forget to check your insurance details to make sure that it will cover trekking, climbing, and other adventure activities that you intend to do. With the right policy you can avoid unpleasant surprises, and feel confident that if anything does go wrong, you’ll be well taken care of.
Here is a list of some recommended travel insurance companies, organised by country:
For Canadians and Americans:
- https://www.travelguard.com
- https://www.worldnomads.com
- https://www.mondial-assistance.ca
- https://www.travelassistnetwork.com/
- https://www.travelex-insurance.com/
- https://www.travelite.com/
- https://www.tugo.com
- https://www.hccmis.com/atlas-travel-insurance
For Australians and New Zealanders:
- https://www.covermore.com.au
- https://www.allianz.com.au
- https://www.worldnomads.com.au
- https://www.bupa.com.au
- https://www.itrektravelinsurance.com.au
- https://www.1cover.com.au
For the British:
- https://www.travel-guard.co.uk
- https://www.worldnomads.co.uk
- https://www.thebmc.co.uk (British Mountaineering Council)
- https://www.direct-travel.co.uk
- https://www.essentialtravel.co.uk (Select Grade 4 cover – Sport Cover)
For Europeans:
- https://www.europ-assistance.com/en
For South-Africans:
- https://www.europ-assistance.com/en