Volunteer in a construction placement with Volunteer Society Nepal to overcome the desperate lack of infrastructure in Nepali schools, orphanages and villages
Most of the schools in rural Nepal consist of four wooden poles supporting a thatched roof. They have no blackboard, no desks, few books, open toilets, no proper classrooms, no playgrounds, no libraries, and not even drinking water
Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) places international volunteers in the areas most in need of help to construct or repair necessary buildings. These projects are usually funded by local communities and/or volunteer contributions, and may include building or repairs on bathrooms, toilets, classrooms, orphanage buildings and health clinics.
How do volunteers help?
Often volunteers will work alongside experts from the local community, learning about traditional methods of building and working. Volunteers do not need any specific skills or knowledge about construction, as they will mainly be doing unskilled work such as digging, mixing sand and cement, carrying rocks, sand and bricks, fetching water, and painting. However if they do have experience it will be greatly appreciated and put to good use depending on their skills.
Individual construction programs last between one and three weeks. Volunteer Society Nepal will arrange the location and logistical support, including food and accommodation, training, etc.
After completion of the construction project, volunteers who wish to stay for longer periods may participate in our other volunteer programs e.g. teaching in schools, health, community education and environment programs or working in orphanages.
Do I need any specific qualifications or skills for this placement
You do not need any specific skills for this placement but must be willing to muck in and get a bit dirty! If you are qualified in this area then we would love to hear from you, and your experience will be highly valued.
Help is also required in plumbing, painting and decorating, providing drinking water, gardening or creating playgrounds and sports fields. As a volunteer in the Construction Program you will work as part of a volunteer team, so this placement is perfect for a group that want to work together.
As the situation on the ground changes constantly, we ask that volunteers be flexible and adaptable when applying for this program. A positive attitude, good physical fitness, and willingness to muck in as and where needed are important.

The founding principle of Volunteer Society Nepal is knowing we could get more money going to where it is needed most.
Real Journey Nepal is a locally owned and managed non-governmental, social development organization which aims to support the poorest and most vulnerable communities in Nepal. We are a small organization, with no international organizational umbrella. This means that all the volunteer fees and funding are lower than many other organizations. The fees are invested directly into Nepal. Volunteering at Real Journey Nepal is not free, as we are partly reliant on volunteers’ fees to fund our projects. We are thankful to those who have been supporting us by taking part in our programs over the years. It is these volunteers that have been enabling us to make such massive changes to the lives of hundreds of disadvantaged women and children.