Biomedical Engineering Groups Embark on a Real Journey Nepal for Health Care Volunteering Program

Health Care volunteering

Nepal, a land of awe-inspiring landscapes and rich cultural heritage, has become a hub for transformative volunteer experiences in recent years. Real Journey Nepal, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving healthcare services in Nepal, has been at the forefront of these life-changing initiatives. In a remarkable convergence of global talent and local needs, 12 biomedical engineering groups from various countries, all studying in Denmark, came together to embark on a health care volunteering program in Nepal, combining their gap year adventure with meaningful service to society.

Volunteer in Nepal: The Growing Trend

Nepal’s allure as a volunteer destination has been on the rise, attracting volunteers from diverse backgrounds and nations. The country’s unmatched natural beauty, spiritual depth, and urgent social challenges make it an ideal place for people seeking impactful volunteer experiences.

Real Journey Nepal, a pioneer in Nepal’s volunteer sector, has been working tirelessly to improve healthcare services in remote areas through various programs, including healthcare volunteering initiatives. These programs aim to bridge the healthcare gap by connecting skilled volunteers with underserved communities.

The Real Journey Begins

In July 2022, an exceptional group of 12 biomedical engineering groups, all students studying in Denmark, embarked on a journey of a lifetime. Their mission was clear—to utilize their knowledge and skills to support Real Journey Nepal’s healthcare volunteering program. These young engineers specialized in the maintenance and repair of medical equipment, a vital component of delivering quality healthcare services, especially in Nepal’s remote health posts.

Their motivation was two-fold: to make a tangible difference in the lives of Nepal’s underprivileged communities and to explore the country’s rich culture and stunning landscapes.

Healthcare Volunteering in Nepal: A Noble Endeavor

The healthcare volunteering program organized by Real Journey Nepal focuses on addressing the persistent challenges faced by rural health posts in Nepal. These healthcare facilities often struggle with limited access to vital medical equipment and lack resources for their maintenance. Volunteers, like the 12 biomedical engineering groups, play a crucial role in ensuring the continuous functionality of these facilities.

Key Objectives of the Program:

  1. Maintenance of Medical Equipment: Volunteers use their technical skills to repair and maintain medical devices, ensuring their safety and functionality.
  2. Capacity Building: In addition to equipment repair, volunteers train local healthcare staff on basic maintenance practices, empowering them with the knowledge to sustain these improvements.
  3. Quality Enhancement: By ensuring that medical equipment operates optimally, the program aims to improve the overall quality of healthcare services delivered in these remote regions.

The Journey of Giving Back and Discovery

Upon arriving in Nepal, the 12 biomedical engineering groups were warmly welcomed by the local communities. They immersed themselves in the culture, staying with host families and experiencing the kindness and hospitality of the Nepali people. While their primary objective was to volunteer, they also took time to explore Nepal’s breathtaking landscapes, historical treasures, and vibrant traditions.

Working closely with local healthcare professionals, the volunteers set out to address the challenges faced by health posts. They repaired a wide range of equipment, from diagnostic machines to surgical tools, leaving a lasting impact on the healthcare infrastructure.

A Journey Beyond Volunteering

As their journey continued, the volunteers forged deep connections with the local communities, enriching their experience in profound ways. They shared their expertise, their culture, and their hearts, leaving behind a legacy of improved healthcare services and unforgettable memories.

This journey was more than just a tour; it was a transformative adventure that combined the joy of exploration with the fulfillment of making a meaningful contribution. It highlighted the incredible potential of volunteerism to bring positive change to the lives of both the volunteers and the communities they serve.


Nepal’s healthcare volunteering programs, such as the one offered by Real Journey Nepal, provide a unique opportunity for global citizens to explore a remarkable country while making a lasting difference in the lives of its people. The collaboration of 12 biomedical engineering groups from Denmark showcases the immense impact of such initiatives, proving that travel can be more than just a tour—it can be a life-changing journey of giving back. If you’re considering a gap year volunteering experience that combines adventure with purpose, consider joining a healthcare volunteering program in Nepal. Your journey could be the one that brings positive change to the world.

Would you also be interested in joining our volunteering in Nepal program to empower women or teach children in school or construct school buildings or get hands on experience in health clinics or teach in monastery in remote or urban communities in Nepal?
Join us to have an extremely rewarding and life-changing experience.

Real Journey Trekking Nepal

Real Journey Trekking Nepal does not only offer the most popular and wide range of hiking, trekking, peak climbing, mountaineering, kayaking, rafting, and various trekking programs but also offers the opportunity to volunteer in schools, health institutions, disability centers, construction, women’s programs and many more before, during or after your trek.

We are here to offer your something different which truly connects with local Nepali people and immerse yourself in their lifestyles and culture while you travel.

Real Journey Trekking Nepal was founded in 2006 to create real, authentic experiences in Nepal for travellers and trekkers around the world who also wanted to give back to the local communities through ethical trekking or combining volunteering with travelling in Nepal.

At Real Journey Trekking Nepal, we want you to see what your money is funding and to spend time visiting our local projects and with the local Nepali people that you are supporting. Over the past few years, we have been providing food, clothing, and educational sponsorship to more than 50 orphan children.

Through our women’s development project, 30 women in Kathmandu are currently receiving day to day literacy and language classes along with skill training. We are proud to have been running a disabled centre with a capacity of 25 children that provides services such as special education, physiotherapy and speech therapy.


Extra hulp is altijd nodig in Nepal. Met vrijwilligerswerk draag je een steentje bij aan de ontwikkeling en opbouw van het land. Daarnaast is het ook een verrijking voor jezelf! Via onze taal en cultuur cursus leer je veel over de mensen, het land, de taal en de cultuur. Via ons kan je vrijwilligerswerk doen door heel Nepal. In onderwijs, constructie, zorg, etc. Samen kijken we naar jouw skills en zoeken we naar passend vrijwilligerswerk!

Deel jouw kennis in de klas door les te geven of te assisteren. Geef Engels of een ander vak zoals Wiskunde, Aardrijkskunde of Informatica.


Spelen, verzorgen, lesgeven, het kan allemaal op onze kleuterschool. De kinderen zijn gewend om naast hun vaste ‘juf’ ook les te krijgen van vrijwilligers.


Na schooltijd ga je samen huiswerk maken, op excursie, koekjes bakken, sportactiviteiten doen of maak je simpelweg een wandeling in de buurt.


Bijzondere kinderen die bijzondere aandacht nodig hebben. Voor ervaren en onervaren mensen. Ga de uitdaging aan en krijg enorm veel liefde terug!


Een groep enthousiaste vrouwen die meer willen weten van de wereld en daarom super leergierig zijn. Help ze uit hun isolement en kom lesgeven.


Ook in kloosters is educatieve hulp hard nodig. Wil jij in een spirituele omgeving bijdragen aan een nieuwe generatie innovatieve, slimme en bevlogen monniken?


Help in een gezondheidspost, ziekenhuis, gehandicaptencentrum of andere gezondheidsinstelling op jouw niveau.


Help bij het bouwen aan een sterker en toegankelijker infrastructuur en gebouwen in Nepal.


Onze organisatie is altijd op zoek naar experts, naar business ideeën, groei, marketing. Kom ons team versterken.

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