Learn Nepali language at the Real Journey Nepal Language and Culture School!
Language at the Real Journey Nepal Language and Culture School
Despite what some people say, you can learn a new language at any age. You don’t have to wish you were younger, or better at learning new languages. Don’t make any excuses and give us a try! With your commitment and our teachers you will see how fun it is to learn to speak Nepali!
Nepali language is National and official language in Nepal. It is used throughout the Kingdom of Nepal. Language gives you a unique experience. It is said that without learning language, it is impossible to make anyone’s stay and travel successful and enjoyable.
Many expatriate volunteers come to Nepal to serve local people and need to learn about Nepali language, culture and society. Real Journey Nepal offers offers Nepali language and cultural training to help expatriate volunteers and research students to learn about Nepali and other indigenous Languages, and about Nepali Culture and Society.
Real Journey Nepal has highly qualified and experienced tutors and up-to- date learning materials. The tutors have had many years’ experience teaching expatriates for the United Mission to Nepal (UMN), the International Nepal Fellowship (INF) and the Nepal Leprosy Trust (NLT) and teaching American university students.
The Real Journey Nepal aims to enable Learners to achieve proficiency in their target Language, and to understand Local Culture, enabling them to communicate effectively. The Centre will allocate the most appropriate tutors, curricula, resources and learning opportunities for each Learner.
The Centre is open to members of international organizations, College students, researchers and others.
Language Courses
Real Journey Nepal offers both long and short language training courses.
- People planning to live in Nepal long- term ( two years or more) are encouraged to join the 4-5 month basic Courses.
- Short-term volunteers will probably find the 1-2 month course sufficient. Students on package Courses attend 20 hours of classes per week.
However, customized courses can be arranged according to individual needs and length of stay in Nepal. The Real Journey Nepal offers Nepali Language courses are ideal for anyone whose work or personal circumstances make it difficult to attend scheduled courses.
Full- and part –time courses are available in Nepali and Hindi. Newari, Tibetan and Gurung at beginner’s intermediate and advanced levels. Instruction in specialist terminology areas such as medicine, community development, community health and Christianity development, community health and Christianity is available for intermediate and advanced students. Qualified Christian tutors are also available to teach Christian topics.
Real Journey Nepal’s experienced professional tutors have a learner- centered approach. Tuition takes place in a comfortable, friendly and relaxed environment at times which is convenient for learners.
Real Journey Nepal has its own course books and modules, enabling learners to meet short- or long-term goals. Real Journey Nepal guarantees the learner will be more confident with the new language after just a few days of lessons.
Real Journey Nepal provides cultural orientation with lectures, discussions, videos, fieldwork and visits. The orientation course focuses on Nepali culture, history, religion, festivals, society, politics and daily life. Learners are advised on how to adjust to life in Nepal everything from basic shopping to complex staff management.
Class size is generally limited to two in the Basic Course. Each learner is given equal opportunity to learn and practice. If someone has a special learning preference or difficulty, individual Classes can be arranged. Additional Classes can be arranged for those who prefer to learn at a slower pace. Orientation and script classes are conducted in groups.
Correspondence courses via the internet and e-mail allow students to learn language at their own pace, anywhere, any time, and are low-cost. For those keen to learn but unable to attend classes for whatever reason, the e-based Nepali language training course is available. The course uses various texts; audio- based interactive dialogues, ‘drilling methods and exercises adapted to meet the student’s preferred learning style.
Real Journey Nepal organizes all training for its staff; ensuring tutors are well versed in the latest teaching approaches and methodologies and enhancing their teaching skills.
Real Journey Nepal arranges accommodation for students in a comfortable guest house close to the Language Centre. The guest house serves a variety of high- quality Nepali and Western food and provides excellent value for money. The environment is perfectly suitable for foreigners where they can fell secured.
Real Journey Nepal arranges accommodation with Nepali families living near to the Centre, for students wanting to experience life in a typical household. This provides an excellent opportunity to practice language and to get to know local culture first – hand.
A village stay is part of the basic course. Students stay in a village near Kathmandu for one to three weeks to get in-depth understanding of village culture and lifestyle. This also provides a natural opportunity for language practice. Tutors accompany students to the village to facilitate learning
(One tutor for every two students)
The course aims to provide an introduction to Nepali with: a thorough grounding in the Devanagari script and Nepali pronunciation; basic structures and vocabulary; skill development in everyday conversation.
Teaching Methodology:
Real Journey Nepal uses Strategies- Based Instruction (SBI), a learner-focused approach to teaching which emphasizes explicit and implicit integration of language learning and use strategies in the language classroom. The underlying premise of the strategies-based approach is that learners are given the opportunity to understand not only WHAT they can learn and use the language they are studying more effectively and efficiently.
The initial language program is designed to assist learners to communicate effectively in the target language. The course is taught in English and Nepali and includes coverage of the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing and a balance between communicative activities, structure practice and grammar appropriate to context. Real Journey Nepal’s methodology and courses expose the learner to real- life dialogue in real-life situations from the earliest stage. This helps to sustain the learner’s interest and to teach language which can be used immediately.
Learning Preferences, Styles and Strategies:
We believe that each individual learner has his or her own learning styles and preferences. Individual’s dominant learning styles and preferences have a great impact in learning the language. Learning is more effective when learners find things out for themselves, so Real Journey Nepal encourages and helps learners to develop their own strategies based on their own learning styles.
Our teaching methods are adapted to the individual’s learning styles, increasing the individual’s effectiveness in learning.
At the beginning of the course, learners are introduced to the concept of learning preferences and styles and their in the learning process.
Learners are assessed to identify learning preferences. They are then given guidelines on various strategies of language and cultural learning suitable for their own learning styles and preferences. This helps learners to acquire and use language more effectively.
COURSE Materials:
The core textbook for the basic course is the introductory Nepali Course, which is accompanied by CDs the curriculum is applied flexibly to meet individual needs and assist each person to reach his or her language learning potential.
Real Journey Nepal uses the following text books and modules for intermediate- and advanced-level students:
The Nepali Reader- A comprehensive textbook
Professional Modules:
- Medical
- Business
- Community health
- Community development
- Daily Life
- House-keeping
- Religious
- Culture, tribes & festival
Cross- Cultural Orientation:
It is in the interests of expatriates who come to Nepal to serve local people not only to learn the Nepali language but also to learn about Nepal’s culture, people, customs and institutions. Real Journey Nepal organizes cross- cultural orientation sessions which enable learners to adjust to life in Nepal. The orientation sessions are held for one hour daily at 9am.
The orientation course includes:
- Sessions on Nepali culture, religion, history, People, politics, daily life, festivals etc.
- Security issues
- Health and safety
- Life and work
The orientation course is done through:
- Lectures
- Discussions
- visits
- practical Assignments and Feedback
- A handbook & workbook
- A project
How can I apply?
You can fill out our contact form or application form here. For more details and a customized program, contact us at
What is included in the language course?
If you choose the 1 or 2 week course, you will receive pick-up from the airport and drop-off, Nepali language lessons, sight seeing and you will stay with one of our lovely host families.