10 reasons why Nepal should be your next travel destination

Tilicho Lake Trek

Nepal is a small landlocked country located in South Asia, nestled between India and China. It may not be the first place that comes to mind when planning a vacation, but this hidden gem has a lot to offer for travelers. From stunning natural beauty and rich cultural traditions to exciting adventure activities, here are 10 reasons why Nepal should be your next travel destination.

1. The natural beauty is breathtaking. Nepal is home to the Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world, and the country is dotted with beautiful national parks and wildlife reserves. From the lush forests of the Annapurna region to the snowy peaks of the Himalayas, there are breathtaking vistas around every corner.

2. The cultural experiences are rich and authentic. Nepal is a country with a rich cultural heritage, and travelers can experience this firsthand through visits to ancient temples and monasteries, traditional villages, and cultural festivals.

3. The adventure activities are endless. Whether you’re an experienced trekker or just looking to try something new, Nepal has something for every level of adventurer. From trekking and rafting to rock climbing and paragliding, there are endless opportunities to get your adrenaline pumping.

4. The food is delicious and diverse. Nepali cuisine is a delicious blend of Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese influences, and travelers can enjoy a wide variety of dishes, from spicy curries to savory dumplings.

5. The people are friendly and welcoming. Nepal is known for its warm and hospitable people, and travelers will often be greeted with smiles and kindness wherever they go.

6. The cost of living is low. Nepal is a relatively inexpensive destination, and travelers can stretch their budget further here compared to more expensive destinations.

7. The travel infrastructure is improving. While Nepal is still a developing country, the travel infrastructure has improved significantly in recent years, making it easier for travelers to get around and find accommodations.

8. The spiritual experiences are unparalleled. Nepal is home to numerous holy sites and spiritual centers, including the birthplace of Buddha in Lumbini and the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu.

9. The wildlife spotting is excellent. Nepal is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including endangered species like the Bengal tiger and one-horned rhinoceros. Visitors can spot these and other animals on wildlife safaris or in national parks.

10. The flights are affordable. Nepal is relatively easy to reach from many major cities around the world, and flights to Kathmandu are often affordable.

Overall, Nepal is a destination that has something for everyone. From the natural beauty and rich culture to the adventure activities and delicious food, it is a place that should definitely be on your travel radar.


Extra hulp is altijd nodig in Nepal. Met vrijwilligerswerk draag je een steentje bij aan de ontwikkeling en opbouw van het land. Daarnaast is het ook een verrijking voor jezelf! Via onze taal en cultuur cursus leer je veel over de mensen, het land, de taal en de cultuur. Via ons kan je vrijwilligerswerk doen door heel Nepal. In onderwijs, constructie, zorg, etc. Samen kijken we naar jouw skills en zoeken we naar passend vrijwilligerswerk!

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Help bij het bouwen aan een sterker en toegankelijker infrastructuur en gebouwen in Nepal.


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Vrijwilligerswerk Nepal

Ben je op zoek om vrijwilligerswerk te ervaren in Nepal? Wil je je passie delen om de wereld te verbeteren terwijl je een onvergetelijke ervaring krijgt van de Nepalese cultuur? Heb je nagedacht over het deelnemen aan een vrijwilligerswerk programma in Nepal wat je persoonlijke groei bevorderd terwijl je avontuurt door het bergenlandschap en leert over Nepals serene en vredige cultuur?

Deelnemen aan een vrijwilligerswerk programma in Nepal is een fantastische mogelijkheid omdat je veel meer krijgt dan alleen vrijwilligerswerk ervaring. De thuisbasis van machtige Himalaya gebergte, Nepal bied een fantastische reeks van culturele tradities, geografische wonderen en een schijnbaar oneindig aantal oude tempels en kloosters. Wanneer je hier vrijwilligerswerk doet word je verwelkomt in een sterk verbonden gemeenschap om je een uiterst authentieke en unieke ervaring te geven die de meeste toeristen nooit zullen ervaren.

De meerderheid van de Nepalese bevolking leeft in armoede. Vanwege natuurrampen, bergachtig terrein en de afgelegen ligging van vele dropen zijn goede voorzieningen niet altijd goed beschikbaar. Er is ook een zekere mate van corruptie in de overheid waardoor de Nepalese bevolking de armoede moeilijk kan ontsnappen. Er is veel hulp nodig van vrijwilligers zoals jij om deze kansarme gemeenschappen te helpen met hun werk aan een betere toekomst.


Real Journey Trekking Nepal is a sister company of Volunteer Society Nepal, established in 2004, a Nepal based, Nepali run company that strives to provide the most unforgettable and meaningful experiences for our guests in this beautiful Himalayan country.

Our travel and trekking service in Nepal allows us to combine the two parts of our business that we enjoy most: showing off the beauty and rich culture of Nepal to foreign guests, and helping grass-roots community projects throughout the Kathmandu Valley and across Nepal.
Because we live and work in the areas we take our tourists and volunteers to, we know best how to bring maximum benefit to Nepali communities through sustainable long-term transformation, aided by the profits we receive from our business.

Real Travel Trekking Nepal Tour Packages

A Nepal tour will showcase the masterpieces of stonework in and around Kathmandu that date from the Kingdom’s founding. The ancient Durbar Squares of Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur are examples of the fine artistry of the age, and nearby museums provide additional historic and cultural context. Kathmandu city also holds two of the holiest pilgrimage sites in the country: Pashupatinath, sacred to Hindus, and Swayambunath, sacred to Buddhists.
No Nepal tour is complete without journeying out into the countryside from the capital though, and Pokhara is a top getaway. Nestled on a peaceful lake with views to the Annapurna range, Pokhara makes a perfect weekend escape from the city. Alternatively, animal lovers will find Chitwan National Park an ideal place for exploration. With the chance to walk, ride elephants, or drive through the jungle tourists are guaranteed to encounter many different animals in their wild habitats in the park.

Looking for a religious Nepal tour? Just a few hours from Chitwan National Park in southern Nepal is Lumbini, the site of the Buddha’s birth. In other parts of the country, too, tourists can visit both Hindu and Buddhist pilgrimage sites such as Janaki Temple, Manakamana Temple, Gosainkunda Lake, and Muktinath Temple.
Nepal is an adventure tourist’s paradise – trekking in Nepal, rafting in Nepal, bungy jumping In Nepal, Jungle safari touringmountain biking in Nepal, and so many more activities are available here year-round. Whether it’s ascending snowy peaks or rushing down a white-water river, Nepal has the right adventure for everyone.
With such a unique blend of adventure activitiesmountain scenery, historic culture, religious experiences, and colourful festivals, a Nepal tour will surely leave a strong impression on you for years to come.


Real Journey Nepal is a sister company of Volunteer Society Nepal, established in 2004, a Nepal based, Nepali run company that strives to provide the most unforgettable and meaningful experiences for our guests in this beautiful Himalayan country.

Our travel and trekking service allows us to combine the two parts of our business that we enjoy most: showing off the beauty and rich culture of Nepal to foreign guests, and helping grass-roots community projects throughout the Kathmandu Valley and across Nepal.
Because we live and work in the areas we take our tourists and volunteers to, we know best how to bring maximum benefit to Nepali communities through sustainable long-term transformation, aided by the profits we receive from our business.

Why Book with Real Travel Nepal Trekking?

Are you looking for an inspiring and meaningful vacation?
Join our toursadventureTrekking or volunteering packages to enrich your journey by giving back to Nepal during your holiday.
You can make a difference whilst enjoying the rich variety of flora and fauna, the everlasting smiles of Nepalese, the inner hospitality of the host communities, cultural diversity, scenic beauty, unique blend of Buddhism and Hinduism, home of Mount Everest, ever flowing rivers and glaciers, snow-caped mountains, World Heritage sites … the list goes on!

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